The Argonaut 6 is our largest Argonaut greenhouse and has been an economical greenhouse for both size and quality for University’s, Nurseries and Hobbyists to date.
With a full array of environmental control which can be tailored to the users needs.
Skill Required for Home Assembly:
- Use of a Drill & Screw Gun.
- Use of a Grinder.
- Use of Cutting Tools, scissors & Knife.
- Use of Spanners & Sockets.
- Use of Circular Saw for cutting polycarbonate.
- Heavy Lifting.
- Measuring and use of Levels.
- Digging.
Tools Required for Home Assembly:
- Drill & Tekgun.
- Grinder or Jigsaw with Thin Blades.
- Circular Saw with Fine tooth Blade min 48 Tooth on a 6 ½ Blade.
- Hammer.
- Spanners &/or Socket Set.
- Pliers.
- Tin Snips.
- Measuring Tape.
- Marker.
- Drill Bits 6-8-10-12mm (Not all Required).
- 5/8 Tek Bit.
- Level.
- Scissors.
- Screw Driver.
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